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Posts tagged as “War”

Ukraine Crisis [Part X: Why Armenia? And Why at This Critical Juncture? The Geopolitics Behind Azerbaijan’s Latest Aggression Against Armenia, in Relation to the Current War in Ukraine]

The Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict is one of the most intricate, protracted, and ethnic-based historical conflicts. The historical account thereof is laboriously extensive, and beyond the scope…

Why the “Russians Are Abandoning Their Posts and Fleeing Battle” Fairy Tale Is, Simply, Too Good to Be True: Away From Strategy, Just Pure Logic

If you’ve accessed any social media platform over the past few days, you surely have come across “Breaking News” from mainstream media on the miraculous,…

Human Consciousness and Peace: How the Perception of Man as a ‘Social Animal’ Inhibits the Manifestation of Conscious Peace

In an earlier contribution to IE Insights, “End of the Simulation: Human Consciousness and the Ukraine Crisis,” I have traced the origins of war to…