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Living on the Edge of Life: Misunderstood!

Living on the edge of life is an idiom expressing a lifestyle exhibiting risk-taking, danger seeking, and sheer thrill. Taking things to the next level—to another dimension—is simply the modus operandi of those who live their lives as such. Oftentimes, the ones among their number, who actually make it, claiming the ultimate prize (i.e. self-actualization), become beacons of hope and a source of inspiration for the masses. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the masses observe the execution with no heed whatsoever to the faculty of genius involved. And, to their grave misfortune, having genius brushed aside while Imbecile is at work in the shadows, they come to misconceive the whole notion of the practice: thinking that living life on the edge is a code for embarking on life—about every single aspect of it—with absolute mindlessness.

This is most notably common amongst the youth. Accordingly, they set out to abuse every instantaneously accessible pleasure to them. Live life to the extreme, they say! You should try everything, for you only live once! Oh, and my personal favorite—which, to be honest, amuses me most—, take risks/chances! What risks, exactly? Isn’t it common sense that he who is responsible for nothing, can risk nothing? Furthermore, to leave no room for ambiguity, wasting one’s life is by no means an act of risk-taking; for such life mounts for no recognizable substance in the world, in the first place. 

Self-destruction, whether due to ultimate resignation unto nihilism, intoxication, or what have you [that is, name your indulgence of choice], is fundamentally unrelated to neither risk-taking nor seeking out danger. A slight trace to thrill or ecstasy may be detected in that behavior—but, none pertaining to the former two. Quite the contrary, actually. Numbing oneself is at par the aversion of possible contemplation of any sort of risk. Moreover, the aimless [emphasis added] destruction of the body is cowardice in essence; for the sought eventuality at the core of that undertaking is escaping life—with all the challenges and dangers the latter entails. Whereas the truth of life enforces the logic that the acceptance of, as well as the ability to prevail over, risk and danger are demonstrative articles of courage at its peak. Courage, in turn, forbids retreat, let alone escape [emphasis added]. 

Therefore, any person that lives on the edge of life, authentically [emphasis added]; that is, being true to themself and life; does so in pursuit of that virtuous quest of knowing one’s self. To know one’s self is, humanly speaking, the ultimate form of transcendence—which requires per se unflinching devotion. It thus remains absolute naïveté to assume that such devotion might be kindled within a person independent of an earnestly active genius faculty. 


Make no mistake! To live on the edge—again, authentically—is in rerum natura a pronounced mastery of life. Furthermore, it signifies the possession of the highest and purest form of education: taming one’s self [emphasis added: see The Lost Paideía ‘παιδεία’: Why Is Education Failing?”]. Whether one has received formal education—i.e. institutional—or not; that is of no consequence, much less substance, here. Those individuals have perfect control over their volition, mind, and body so much so that what might be deemed as risk and danger to the general population is merely the realization of potential to them.

Discipline is their guiding force. Everything is meticulously calculated to the smallest and most insignificant particle [much emphasis added]. Albeit the probability of failure in whatever it is that they attempt, they would still not allow the possibility of recurrent error with respect to execution. In other words, living on the edge necessitates growth with every step taken towards the end. 

Leading one’s life that way means that the person compels their mind and body—by the virtue of discipline—to grow to match the strife at hand. Should luck swing in their direction, they reject it with disdain; for it was never factored into their calculations; which, consequently, might compromise the entire undertaking. The faculty of genius prevents impulsive assumption of risk and danger. Genius first perceives risks and dangers, then develops and perfects its strategy for tackling and overcoming them. The common terminology used in this instant is, visualization. 

Clarity of vision is categorically imperative for that lifestyle. Because only vision can delineate the path to tread, and the interconnectedness of the moves and phases comprising it. Every pulse counts; every move counts; every strand of thought counts; and, verily verily, so does every breath taken. Not only that, but they are equally accounted for. 

The bottom line is, I find it absolutely repugnant to hear people saying that life on the edge means extravagant indulgence in trivial pleasures. Intoxicating the body till kingdom come, or breaking the law, to name couple examples, cannot put a person on the edge of life. To rise above such idiocies and mischiefs; to filter all the noise; and, to be in full control of one’s own volition, mind, and body by exercising one’s genius faculty; but, most importantly, to have unswerving devotion; only then does a person qualify for the edge of life. 

Whosoever loses sharpness between the ears, i.e. mindfulness, is inevitably destined to fall off the edge. For, everything has been invested into this—cognitively so. And, with all at stake; mindlessness shall not abound; not for a split of a second!