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Posts tagged as “Europe”

Beyond Conspiracy Theories: The Reason the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Is Really a British Problem (A Simulacrum Failing the Test of Time)

It is perhaps common knowledge that the existing state of Israel was established in 1948 (and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ensued thenceforth), by an implementation act…

Ukraine Crisis [Part IX: It Is in the United States and Europe’s Best Strategic Interest That Russia Shouldn’t “Lose” in Ukraine]

What I find most disconcerting at present, almost seven months into the war in Ukraine, is the popular oblivion to the actual peril and the…

Why the “Russians Are Abandoning Their Posts and Fleeing Battle” Fairy Tale Is, Simply, Too Good to Be True: Away From Strategy, Just Pure Logic

If you’ve accessed any social media platform over the past few days, you surely have come across “Breaking News” from mainstream media on the miraculous,…

Nord Stream 2: More than a Pipeline [Part II: Migrants Border Crisis and Russian Military Build-up on Ukraine’s Border]

All eyes on the borders! But, which borders: the Russian-Ukrainian or the Polish-Belarusian borders? Well, it doesn’t really matter so long the borders of concern…