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Posts published in “Matter of Truth”

President Biden Has Sacrificed U.S.– Saudi, and Incidentally GCC, Relations at the Altar of “Political Correctness”

Rectification always begins with the recognition of error. Let’s face it; the United States has lost the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries over one electoral…

Human Consciousness and Peace: How the Perception of Man as a ‘Social Animal’ Inhibits the Manifestation of Conscious Peace

In an earlier contribution to IE Insights, “End of the Simulation: Human Consciousness and the Ukraine Crisis,” I have traced the origins of war to…

Ukraine Crisis [Part III: President Biden’s Response to Whether He ‘Underestimated President Putin’]: An Easily Detectable Misunderstanding of Intentions

During his press conference on Thursday, February 24, 2022, a reporter directed the following question to President Biden: “Did you underestimate Putin, and would you…

Ukraine Crisis [Part II: Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’/‘Invasion’]: Pressing Questions to Ask Oneself

On Thursday February 24, 2022, Russia launched a ‘special military operation’ /or/ ‘invasion’ in Ukraine. Now, it is not my intention to flutter the dovecotes…